Moram da vam kažem da ono što me dosta u životu koštalo emocionalno i slomilo jeste razvod. Ne, nije moj razvod nego razvod mojih roditelja. Onaj dan kad su saopštili mojoj sestri i meni “Razvodimo se” svijet nam se srušio. To je dosta utjecalo na mene i utiče i dan-danas. Opet sam im na neki način i zahvalna što su se i razveli nego da smo sestra i ja gledali svađe, i brak bez ljubavi. Mnogi ostaju u braku radi dijece,što po mome mišljenju nije ispravno jer svatko zaslužuje sa bude emotivno ispunjen u bilo kojim godinama.

I have to tell you that what cost me a lot in my life emotionally and broke me was divorce. No, it’s not my divorce, but my parents’ divorce. The day they told my sister and I “We are getting a divorce” our world came crashing down. That had a lot of influence on me and it still has an influence to this day. Again, in a way, I’m grateful to them that they got a divorce instead of my sister and I watching arguments and a loveless marriage. Many stay married for the sake of children, which in my opinion is not right because everyone deserves to be emotionally fulfilled at any age.

spojljubavni@gmail.com Avatar


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